A Quiet Week

The last of the week has been relatively quiet. On Tuesday, I just could not leave Christian outside without me being out there with her. I didn't want to take any chances of loosing her again. She spent much of the day inside with me, as it was pretty hot out.

We went to dog day on Wednesday. Sandy, my friend who owns the property where we all assemble, has a new Australian Shepherd named Indy. He is a cute red merle with pretty long hair already. He is now vaccinated enough to be able to play with Chris (who is 4 weeks older), and boy did they have a good time. Chris spent a lot of time on her back with Indy chewing on her. His brother, a red and white bicolor, joined in and a good puppy time was had by all three of them.

I had given Indy his very own Puppy Kong toy, 'as a welcome to your new home toy,' for his chewing pleasure. Sandy had an ex-pen set up in the agility field in case we needed to put our pups in it in order to protect them from the big dogs. Inside the ex-pen was the Puppy Kong toy in blue that I had given Indy, for the pups to play with. Right now Indy's stomach is a little sensitive, so Sandy put just a teeny tiny bit of peanut butter inside the hole to attract him, which it did.

We are now getting ready for our trip to the Scottish Games in Pleasanton CA. We are leaving Friday and it will be Chris's first trip to the sheepdog trials. Three years ago, we went and took baby Tam. She was a total handful! Arugh! But Chris should be easier; she is not Tam, the dog who thought she should be a kennel dog. But fortunately for me it was my watch, and I would have none of it. And Tam was shaped into a great but very active housedog that works sheep, and quite well.

As for Christian, she is still a very active puppy, close to being potty trained. We will bring her crate with us, just in case we need it. She does love sheep already, and likes to watch Kate and Tam work sheep, so maybe she will be quiet at the games.

Puppy Kong

Sep 24th 2019 Original post 28 Aug 2011

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