Christmas on Christmas

We had a lamb born on Christmas. He is a beautiful black covered one that looks just like his mother, with white patches on top of his head. I didn't even know that she was ready to lamb. I came into the barn and there he was. Time to now put them up alone together, and let them bond. I showed the little critter to the girls, who get excited when the lambs start coming. Decker on the other hand, was way too excited. Kind of the same excitement that he has for my neighbors little potbelly pig. He is over excited and anxious at its site. I held him for Decker to smell, so he could see that it is a sheep, and not a cat, that he can chew on its neck.

We named the lamb Christmas, and I think that he will be called Chris for short. Looking at his structure, I am noticing how well he is developed. There has only been one other ram lamb born here about three years ago, that I just couldn't band. This new lamb just might be another one that might be good left as a ram. I should no more in a few weeks if I am going to keep him as a ram.

One problem with keeping rams that I have bred is I have to be very careful of whom I breed him to. It's yucky, thinking about him breeding to a sister. Then I only have two other options when keeping a ram lamb intact. Butchering him at a later date, or selling him as a ram. Selling rams is not the easiest. There are plenty of them out there. so I will have to think hard about what I want to do with him. But for now, I will enjoy seeing him run and jump around. And some of the other ewes will be lambing soon, so he will have playmates. I do love watching them play with each other. This was a nice gift from God.

Sep 24th 2019 Original post 30 Dec 2010

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