Rehabbing an Aggressive Australian Shepherd
Several weeks ago, I wrote that problems might arise with the discipline methods that I use with Decker. Well that problem happened. I ran my truck in to the local oil change place. I was going to leave Decker inside the back of the truck, but changed my mind. I thought that he might not be so comfortable around the guys, as they worked on changing the oil. When I opened up the back of the truck to take him out, I asked the service man not to look at him as this was a challenge to the dog.
Sep 24th 2019
Sheepdog Herding
Today, I am getting ready for an upcoming trial at the end of the week. I, as much as the dogs, need to practice on my sheepdog herding skills and especially my timing. Timing is critical in herding, and the hardest to learn. Depth perception is also hard to judge, but does not take as long to learn or excel at, than timing does. If the timing is not right, all kinds of things can happen. Usually over flanking is seen and occasionally under flanking. Under flanking is a lot easier to corre
Sep 24th 2019
I Blew My Top!
Decker pushed my buttons today, and I finally exploded at him. I have been dealing with my online dog supply store, Operation Sheepdog Herding, not generating any money. It generates some, but not enough to pay for the minimum orders that I have to put in, to order a customer's product. Usually, the orders are low, but with my shipping charges fairly high, all of that combined makes it hard to absorb all of the added expenses.Financially, I did terrible at the Humane Society Fund-rasier "dog
Sep 24th 2019
Decker at His Worst
Today we all went to San Luis Obispo to a Humane Society fund-raiser. I was asked back in the spring by one of the managers if I would consider bringing sheep and doing a sheepdog herding demonstration. I have spent a lot of time the last few days getting ready for that event. I was also going to have a booth at this "dog fair" and hopefully sell some dog supplies.I have ordered several types of cute dog collars and even fall and Halloween design dog collars. I also brought in a few crate do
Sep 24th 2019
Working Cattle
We just got back from next door where my neighbor has two cattle. Both of them have never been worked by dogs, so they have to learn, and cattle don't like to be bullied like sheep do. But never the less, I needed to work them with the dogs.Decker needed exposure to cattle if he is going to get placed in a working ranch. There is a local dog and horse sale coming up in a few weeks; and since I will be out of town at a sheepdog herding trial, I asked my neighbor, Babs, if she would take him to
Sep 24th 2019