Rehabbing an Aggressive Australian Shepherd
Getting Good at Sheepdog Herding
Yesterday was dog day again. A friend Daun arrived from Colorado, just the night before. She usually comes out once a year to visit with her relatives and friends. It was good to see her as I arrived at Sandy's in the morning. I parked and pulled out the dogs on leash. She had never met Decker, nor did I email her about him. I introduced her and him, noting that he is human aggressive.Decker being an Aussie, and Daun being an Aussie person and not being afraid of dogs, eventually reached h
Sep 24th 2019
Decker Weighs In
Last night I was in town and has several minutes to kill. I was heading to my church home group. We meet at a church member's house weekly. Our church is fairly large, so small groups have been developed to allow for close personal contact among members.I passed the vet clinic, and it was still open. I have been wondering how much more weight Decker had lost, so I turned in. I asked permission to weigh him and the two girls. Decker weighs in at 72.1 lbs. Back in late August, when I first
Sep 24th 2019
The Bread Thief
Decker stole bread right out of my hand today. It was the end of the day, and the border collies were herding in the chickens. Decker is too rambunctious right now for chicken herding. I had brought out some old bread, to give to them once they were brought into their coop for the night. I pulled four pieces out of bag and was walking toward the chicken coop. Then all of a sudden, I felt a tug at the bread in my hand and most of the bread was gone!Boy was I mad! I yelled at him, and he too
Sep 24th 2019
A Trip on the Treadmill
It rained yesterday and all night, and forecasted to rain all day. What to do? Fortunately last year, I bought a used treadmill just for days like these. Kate and Tam, the Border collies have been on the treadmill, so do not need to be trained on it.I put Tam on first. She does the treadmill just like a typical dog would on the Cesar Milan show. She puts her head down, concentrates, and migrates. She stays on the treadmill until I come in to turn it off and walk her off. Kate was next. S
Sep 24th 2019
The Appraiser Comes to Appraise
We are refinancing our house, and the appraiser came over in the morning. I had Decker out to monitor his behavior and how he allows a stranger to the door. I knew when the appraiser was arriving, so I met her at the door. Decker was terrible! He growled, and wouldn't relax. I instructed the appraiser not to look at him, or talk to him and just simply ignore him. He was corrected for growling, and having her leave him alone, he soon decided that she was no threat.I stayed outside on the fr
Sep 24th 2019