
Chris has received corrections since she has come to live with us, therefore she is not real sensitive to receiving them. When she was a young puppy, her mother gave her caresses with her tongue and corrections with her teeth or other body language, and at times growls. And since after leaving her dam, she continued to be directed by corrections and praises or rewards. By her not being overly sensitive to them, she accepts them, and then moves on.

Some dogs who do not get corrections, internalize them, when they do receive them. They have a very hard time either accepting them, or take the corrections so personally, that other unwanted behaviors (other than the original behavior that the pup was corrected for) can develop. In my opinion, this was the problem that the Australian shepherd that I had rescued last year had.

He was a fearful aggressive dog. His former owners were not experienced enough, nor did they know where to go for help, with this dog's problems. Therefore, he didn't receive many or consistent corrections. When I took control of this dog, As soon as I grabbed the leash, I immediately started correcting him, telling him where to go, and to yield to my presence. I became his leader, not allowing him to be the leader.

As our relationship developed, corrections were a plenty. He was submissive to me, and when corrected firmly, he would leak urine. And he needed many firm corrections in the beginning. Many puppies will get excited when meeting strangers or strange dogs, and urinate. This behavior usually goes away as the puppy matures. And with this Aussie, it continued for about six months, until he was confident enough in himself, to accept the corrections.

This last weekend, we all went to a sheepdog trial. We had a very nice time, and the setting was great. My handling, much like last year, has a lot to be desired. I am in much need for practice on outwork. My close in work is fine, as dealing with my sheep daily, has kept me sharp. But man, my timing is off, not as bad as last year, but I can tell that I need to get some more practice. My dogs may be trained, but I am not.

Chris had a good time playing with a puppy, and at times running around with the girls during a potty break. And watching sheep was soo fun.

She was still pulling on the leash, and that behavior drives me crazy! So I got on her about it, driving her backwards, while glaring at her and with my body slightly hunched over, as I walked toward her. She received several collar corrections in a row during this. Hopefully I made my point. I hate nagging a dog, and would much rather give a firm correction, let the dog know my wishes, and get it over-with. I do give reminders, but when she started really pulling consistently, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. My husband had a hold of her, and she was taking advantage of him. I grabbed the leash, took control, and gave her the corrections. Christian was much better after that correction, and just a "tsst" sound was all the reminder that she needed after that.

Sep 25th 2019 Original post 7 Nov 2011

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